var scale = 1; var logoh, maxh = 600; var isfirefox = false; var logopath = ""; var resizeTimer = null; var ticking = false; var isinit = true; var max = 62; $(function () { loadsvg(); resetEngDate(); updateRightMenuHeight(); $(".cross").click(function () { $(this).toggleClass("on") $(".right-menu").toggleClass("on") }) $(".nav ul>li").hover(function () { $(this).find(".submenu").stop(true, true) if ($(this).find("a").hasClass("on")) return; $(this).find("a").addClass("on") $(this).find(".submenu").slideDown(180); }, function () { $(this).find(".submenu").stop(true, true) if ($(this).find("a").hasClass("on")) { $(this).find("a").removeClass("on") $(this).find(".submenu").slideUp(180); } }) // $("#home-header").css("zoom", delta); logoh = 600; if ($("#home-header").length > 0) { //主页事件 $("#home-bottom li").each(function () { var that = this; var ele_ul = $(that).find(".bottom-subnav"); $(that).click(function () { $(that).find(".circle-btn").toggleClass("on"); if ($(that).find(".circle-btn").hasClass("on")) { $(ele_ul).slideUp(180); 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var minh = caclColHeight(1); //console.log("1 " + minh) for (var i = 2; i <= colen; i++) { var ih = caclColHeight(i); // console.log(i + ' ' + ih) if (ih < minh) { minh = ih; min = i; } } // console.log($(item).attr("id") + " " + min) if (minh > 0) { if ($(".main .col" + min + " .sorted").length > 0) $(".main .col" + min + " .sorted").last().after(item); else $(".main .col" + min).append(item); } else if (minh == 0) { if ($('.main .col' + min).children().length > 0) $('.main .col' + min).children().eq(0).after(item); else $(".main .col" + min).append(item); } $(item).addClass("sorted"); function caclColHeight (colNum) { var h = 0; $(".main .col" + colNum + " .sorted").each(function () { h += $(this).height(); }); if (colNum <= 2) h += $(".main .big").height(); return h; } } function updateHeaderScale () { scale = $(window).width() / 1920; maxh = logoh * scale; $(".root").css("top", maxh + "px") // $(".nav>ul>li").css("width", 189 * scale + "px") // $(".nav>ul>li>div.submenu").css(189 * scale * 2 + "px") } function loadsvg () { for (var i = 2; 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